A simple definition of Manual Therapy as per words is “Treatment with Hands”. Application of an accurately determined and specifically directed manual force to the body, in order to improve mobility in areas that are restricted; in joints, in connective tissues or in skeletal muscles.

Manual Therapy is relevant in a broad spectrum of specialist areas including conservative Orthopedics, post operative Orthopedics, Sports Therapy etc. Present day Manual Therapy no longer concentrates exclusively on the articular components of movement but also encompasses the assessment and treatment of the function and mechanical sensitivity or mobility of the neural system and the function of the muscular system.

Manipulation and Mobilisation are two essential components under Manual therapy.

“An accurately localized, single, quick movement of small amplitude following careful position of the patient. Not necessarily an energetic and is completed before patient can stop it.”

“Passive oscillatory movements repeated two or three per second, of small or large amplitude, are applied anywhere in the range and at all times are within the control of patient.”

Manual Therapy is imparted after skillful, precise, accurate assessment and clinical reasoning. It is effective as a mode of treatment for various mechanical problems of Joints, Muscles, Ligaments and Nerves. It is very useful for mechanical Low back pain (2nd most common problem next in frequency to common cold), Disc Prolapse, Neck pain, Thoracic pain, Pelvic region, Shoulder pain, Knee pain and Headache. Manual Therapy gives instantaneous relief to the patients with above problems. Various concepts in Manual therapy includes

Mc Kenzie concept by Sir Robin Anthony McKenzie (1931-2013), New Zealand
Maitland concept by Geoffrey D. Maitland, Australia –
Muligan concept by Brian R. Mulligan, New Zealand
Keltenberg concept by Freddy Kaltenborn
Cyriax concept by James Cyriax

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